Food Allergy Awareness Month Podcast – Episode 1 Season 1

In this episode, I discussed how food allergies can affect the workplace and how you can prepare for the inevitable when someone in your workplace suffers a reaction at work.

Some of the basics for food allergies you should know as an employer or as a coworker are:

  1. There’s no cure for this. So there’s not a magic pill or vaccination that can cure this.
  2. There are over 15 million Americans including 6 million children who are affected by this.
  3. This can be and is life-threatening. So your coworker’s life could be lost to a reaction to the food they consumed.
  4. Food allergies are different from food intolerance
  5. 8 foods account for 90% of all food allergy reactions: Peanut, Tree Nut, Egg, Soy, Dairy, Wheat, Fish, and Shellfish.

Listen to the full episode in the furnished link.

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