Preparing for a Video Job Interview

If you have an important job interview coming up and you’re nervous about how to prepare yourself for the video interview experience. Hang on because I’m going to share some tips that are designed to help you put your best foot forward while extenguishing the interview anxiety bug. I also created a video, which you can find below.

There are a few things you should keep in mind, as they are critical to your overall success. You will need the following:

  • Good Location
    • Pick the place that is comfortable for you so you can relax and be yourself. Of course, there will be a level of nervousness associated with the interview, and that’s natural, however, you want to be comfortable enough to think through your responses during the interview.
  • Good Lighting
    • Why? You want your future manager and team members to see you in a well-lit environment. Not in the dark. Even if you do not have any professional lights or ring lights, you can always use a window for natural lighting.
  • Good and Clean Background
    • Why? Too much stuff on the walls are a distraction. You want them to listen and focus only on you. Not the random things hanging on the wall or people running around in the background.
  • No Noise or Distractions
    • Why? Because when you arrive to the interview in person, you do not have your pets, relatives or children there. So please make sure everyone is either out of the house, or remaining quiet throughout the duration of the interview.
  • Good Internet Connection
    • Why? Because an unstable internet connection will cause your words and expressions to be lost in communication. Even if you have to go to the library, coworking space or a hotel where the internet is stable will help tremendously.


Whether you have a laptop, tablet / iPad or cellphone, you can use either of them, just pick the one that has the best camera quality. You should practice using each of your devices on a test Zoom call. You can also test with Google Meet, or Skype. Surprisingly each of the devices will have a different quality, even if they were made by the same manufacturer, so it is critical for you to test them out. Preferably you would need to test your devices, setting, and internet connection a few days in advance so you are not rushing around trying to figure out where you will have the interview.

You can view the video here.

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